Friday, November 26, 2010

Basics to build up your muscle mass, physiological and nutritional aspect of “Body Building”.

           Most of us are really concern about, our body contours and the shape in every day life at present. This is a good move in view of health and the current life style. At present people spend there leisure time at some kind of gymnasium, to burnt out extra calories that we consume as a routine, and to build up the muscle mass and to shape up the body contours. Biomedical  researches have established, the evidences that regular gymnasium work-out have positive effect on muscle mass of an individual. Further good supply of energy, proteins, fat, minerals and vitamins is essential.
                              When the total muscle mass of a muscle increases, this is called hypertrophy. This results from an increase in size of the muscle fiber, by increase in the number of actin and myosin filament in each fiber - fiber hypertrophy. This process can be accelerated to a greater extent when the muscle is loaded during the contractile period. It’s noted that only a few strong contractions, regularly in each day, are needed to have significant hypertrophy within 6 to 10 weeks. Cause and the effect of this observation is still not clear. However it’s clear that the rate of synthesis of muscle contractile proteins is far more increased when developing hypertrophy. This leads to progressive increase in the number of both actin and myosin filaments in the myofibrils as much as 50 per cent from its’ original number. In addition to that, enzymes involved in energy production like enzyme for glycolysis also increase. This allows rapid supply of  energy during forceful short lasting muscle contractions.
                            However, if the muscle remain unused, size of the muscle declines as the rate of decay of the contractile proteins is more rapid than the rate of replacement.
                            To accomplish those processes, the body is in need of continuous good supply of nutrients.Actin and myosin synthesis process depend on aminoacids (building blocks of protein), some minerals and vitamins (supportive elements of the process). Further more energy is produced by the carbohydrates in our diet. Each meal should have optimum proportions of carbohydrates, protein, fat, minerals and vitamins in adequate amount.A balanced diet rather than high energy and protein diet, optimize whole processes. Popular fast-foods are not in favor in this process.

                             In conclusion, regular gymnasium work-out with balanced diet, play a key role in achieving the goals of well being and the strength.